MovieChat Forums > WALL·E (2008) Discussion > Why did Eve have an arm cannon?

Why did Eve have an arm cannon?

Think about it: Eve is sent down to Earth to search for plant life. So why give her an arm cannon? What need or use could it possibly have for it?

If they were sending it to some completely alien, unexplored world where they didn't know what it might encounter, then an arm cannon would make perfect sense. Here though, I can't figure out what the point of it was. Isn't this kind of like giving an archeologist an uzi just before he goes to dig for dinosaur bones?


I'm sure alien worlds were on the agenda. Maybe the Eve probes are on some sort of rotation where a few go to Earth and others go to another planet for a few months at a time. We never find out whether or not the other probes are equipped with a cannon.


Maybe shes a multipurpose scout bot. For use with any terrain, any situation. On any planet.

I'll bring the BEARDS.


Well there was tons of garbage everywhere; maybe the canon was for helping her get rid of stuff in her way.


Maybe enemies are likely to cross her path. Think about it, EVE is sent on a hostile planet (earth) with hostile population (humans). It is like sending a lamb to wolfland alone and unprotected, what would its fate be?

Cute and cuddly boyz!!


Except there are no humans on Earth...

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.


I kinda felt that way as well. she does seem a little 'Heavy-handed' or trigger happy. Shooting things before checking out if it's a threat when she was sent to get plant life.

The above reasons are pretty good, considering she's soo tough (no damage comes to her in the trash scene, she just gets a bit dirty) and she's able to stop those big benches coming at all the people when the ship lists to one side.

So maybe she is multi-purpose. Reconnaissance, and Defence.

For every action, there is an equal and opposite criticism - Steven Wright


Well, a girl has the right to protect herself in these violent times.


If it's not for the gun, EVE will still be stuck on the electromagnet now.


Yes...and for other such situations


Where's the +1 button?


They are probably just standard issue in the future, at least for a probe exploring the unknown? Like a Swiss army knife...common. Easy to install, cheap to build, throw'em in. She did seem to have a shoot first ask question's later attitude...I can only assume self protection, as her purpose was very vital to the survival of the human race? Just a theory.

I don't have a funny "quote" after my post...sorry, I'm really boring.


Because it makes the beginning of the movie better and more suspenseful.


Considered giving her an ass-cannon first, but they wanted to keep it below a PG13.


This question is in FAQ section. There you have an answer.


The FAQ doesn't fully explain. If she was given a cannon as a tool to remove obstructions(as noted in FAQ), why would she be programmed to use it in such an aggressive manner against potential hostiles?

The most likely answer I could come up with would be related to last days of Earth as an inhabitable planet. WE can all assume by human nature that as the Earth went down, not all humans would go down gracefully. Wars between nations, roving bandits, rogue robots, etc...would all be likely as Earths natural resources dwindled.

I'm sure there would be quite a few potential threats for at least a century or so after most of the humans were gone.

The final message from the BNL CEO would surely reinforce the volatility of the situation on Earth.
