Holy budget!

I really just can't fathom how the budget can be 180 million dollars! It's a really good movie, and maybe even a great one (I need to see it again), but how could they spend 180m on it? You have to pay the writer(s), director(s), animators, voice actors (very few at that), sound people, and additional production people. You also have to advertise, but I'm not sure that that's included in the budget. Even with these things, I can't see how it went over 70m or so. 180 million is A LOT of money. If I was given that much to make a film, I don't think I'd be able to spend it all!

Open the pod bay doors, HAL.


I think Tangled was $260M. You should be an executive producer.


There was also banks of computers running to render the movie for the entire production time. i doubt they were cheap servers because doing cpu intensive rendering isn't cheap.

It’s ridiculous to critique a movie with the argument 'it's not real, so it doesn't matter'


Not to be mean, you just clearly don't know how budgets work or how much it cost to make a film like this, but an animated film this technical would take hours and hours of rendering on a computer and tons of man power.

Basically the money went to all the visuals, you don't get top class animation like that for cheap, I'd even still argue this is Pixar's best looking film by a long shot, it's got some great stuff in it.
