MovieChat Forums > WALL·E (2008) Discussion > Heartwarming that all though? ...

Heartwarming that all though? Should we compare it to 2001?

It is a very nice film...obviously, Pixar have made it mainly for children so it would have to be fairly heartwarming. Does this warrant comparisons to 2001 like people have been saying? is-the-future-wise-words-from-master-yoda/


I noted similarities (in terms of story structure) to Full Metal Jacket here ( 36688026). I'm thinking the creators of WALL·E were influenced by Stanley Kubrick (who directed both 2001: A Space Odyssey and FMJ), so many people will inevitably make comparisons to at least 2001, which is fine and likely intentional. Still, in terms of actual morals, the movies are very different and therefore should not "warrant comparisons".

2001 was pretty abstract and ambiguous, leaving the audience to determine the film's meaning, paralleling the questions of our purposes and significance since we are shown that there's so much more out in the universe.

WALL·E might take some of these tactics and contemporizes them in a slightly more conventional story about human laziness, reliance on machines and waste management… all of which are relevant and called for.

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Er, I can't see how anyone would draw a comparison.

WALL-E is a CGI sci-fi cartoon about a robot discovering his humanity (which he always had). 2001 is about mankind reaching outwards, and finding other more advanced life.

Other than outer space and computer brains are involved, they have nothing in common. Characters, plot, story, even the setting is totally different.


They have nothing in common?Yeah because Auto totally wasn't Hal 9000 in both design and role he plays within the movie, and I'm pretty sure both movies are set in space for a large portion of them.

I agree they aren't the same movie, but there is a lot of comparisons throughout visually and even thematically, the filmmakers clearly loved 2001 and played plenty of homage to it.


You really can't see how anyone would draw a comparison? What about the many 2001 homages throughout wall-e? One scene in particular might as well have had "a space odyssey" written in subtitles.


The seminal music (Also Sprach Zarathustra) used in 2001 at the moment of ape/caveperson evolution in creating weapons/tools --- is used in Wall-E at the moment the Captain fights for control of the ship, denoting another evolution.

Yeah, the homages (or ripoffs) were voluminous.
