Predicting the Future
I remember when I first saw this years ago and thought it was prophetic for the Human race. In 2016 social media is everywhere and I challenge you to count how many people you see on their phones while you're out shopping and what not. Big box stores are everywhere and have choked out the 'mom and pop' stores... They have politicians in their pockets too. We care more about posting on FB than we do on voting for the next president. I'm also noticing lately that we're seeing chubby models (or "plus sized") and because we're so PC we don't say anything. A few extra pounds is fine and a norm, but for the women that are dangerously obese well you can lose the weight and feel better! This movie is a depiction of our future. As our tech gets better and better this will happen but will our race survive? Who knows.
R E S I S T A N C E IS F U T I L E !