This doesn't make sense (plothole?)
In the post-apocalyptic scene, we see future Pete stopping Ray and Toby from getting into the toilet, which set in motion that Pete ends up in the woods alone. Future Pete remembers being in the woods alone, so obviously an earlier future Pete did the same things during his timeline. Every action is repeated in the exact same way during the entire movie, so they're not actually changing anything by time travelling (we also see the red-hooded Ray at the bar in an earlier scene, another example that everything repeats itself). Now this is fine, a lot of time travel movies obey to the laws of 'you can't change what already happened'. It's like going back to save someone from dying, then finding out that whatever you did to stop it actually set the events that lead to that person's death in motion.
However, in one of the final scenes, Ray manages to knock a beer over the piece of paper and the timeline is reset. The first time we see this scene, from Pete's perspective, the exact same thing happened. Ray knocked over the beer and made the paper unreadable this time as well (it should be, since as we see during the whole movie, every scene is repeated in the exact same way), so why didn't the timeline reset then? What's different the second time? The exact same thing happened, so the fact that the timeline didn't reset here really strays from the laws the movie holds up during the entire story, so this doesn't make sense at all.
You could argue that there are parallel timelines, and that the group that was attacked in the bar (the one we see from Pete's perspective) gets reset from their own perspective, just like the group we follow during the movie. This could make sense, except the fact that there is a timekeeper organisation implies that there's only one timeline. It wouldn't be neccesary to prevent any changes to the past if these changes would only split up the timeline they are applied to into a parallel timeline. The timeline from the timekeepers' perspective wouldn't be affected by changes to the past, if there were actually parallel timelines. Since they're desperate to 'keep' the time, it's clear that there is only one timeline.
Any ideas on this?