Not to stir the pot too much here, but I can't help making a few points.
inamorty has a point inasmuch as Canadians are subjects of the Queen, while citizens of the Irish Republic are not. That said, the Northern Irish are of course not only subjects of the Queen, but holders of UK passports.
The official name of the UK is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. While this implies that it is incorrect to call the Northern Irish 'British', the term 'British' is commonly used as a demonym for the UK. Thus, while Chris O'Dowd couldn't be considered 'British', it wouldn't be - in a world without hair-trigger nationalism - ridiculous to call Liam Neeson 'British'. At least, not as wrong as calling an Irish (or Scottish or Welsh) person 'English', which is something else that Americans do a lot.