questions and thoughts

we should of been told exactly what happen to dean lennox character in the time he was missing that real irritated me

and how had the main guy been dating anna faris for 2 years.

why did anna afaris character rememeber everything shouldnt she have forgot

and the parralell universe story makes no sense


It doesn't bother me. Try not to think about it.


Yeah, it's not a movie to dwell too deeply into, seeing as the main focus was to present a comedy.


indeed, the first 3 points was what i thought too as well! i hope if there ever was a sequel they could answer it somehow...



Sorry but this REALLY annoyed me. It's all well and good saying that it's a comedy and should be taken as such but the writers could have spent 5 more minutes thinking up a time travel sequence that left much fewer questions. Like how the hell did Pete get back to the pub if he fell into a time where the pub didn't exist Or am I being really stupid? And who even saw them all there with their piece of paper to make them famous. And why did Millie wanna kill them before they had even been discovered. None of it made much sense to me.

Also if it took 2 months to sort out 1 time leak how many others ended up in the exact same position as the guys going through the 2 time leaks

Don't get me wrong I liked it. But I find it hard to get past these kind of questions

Exists within a conspiracy of cartographers, apparently.


I agree with you that there were definitely plot holes towards the end of the movie involving time travel. I don't agree with the people saying it's just a comedy. I mean there are time travel comedies without plot holes (well at least 1: Back to the Future).

I will say this though. Every time travel movie has its own rules. I think in this movie one rule is everyone would remember everything that happened and that we just have to accept that as a fact.

As for the other holes I don't think there is a logical explanation given because it would be hard to explain and I think some things can be left to the imagination like what Pete did all those years and how exactly all the time traveling took place. The not knowing I think makes his appearance more exciting and adds to the comedy what with him having changed so suddenly in our eyes.

Overall, I would just like to encourage more people to ask questions like this. Enough with all the hate! I mean look at the title of this movie and tell me honestly that people shouldn't be having discussions like this!


even "back to the future" is spoiled by the ending: it makes no sense that doc picks up marty to go into the future with him, because their future selves would cease to exist immediately. still the best movie ever :)


Back to the Future does have plot holes. This movie however, does not. Things you don't understand are not plot holes.

I think in this movie one rule is everyone would remember everything that happened and that we just have to accept that as a fact.

Nope, only the people were involved in traveling through time. For everyone else, most of the movie "never happened."

None of the things mentioned by the OP are actually plot holes. Just plot elements that they failed to put together. But the movie works within the logic it establishes.

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At OP:

1) Same thing, I suppose, as what went on with the paper. Whatever they thought of, the audience could have thought of something a lot better. He really just didn't want to talk about it.

2) Maybe she was dating him for two years in an alternate dimension. Maybe she came back from two years and four months ago.

3) This one is a hole, couldn't figure anything out, but oh well, I'll live. If there's a sequel, it'll probably make sense.

4) There wasn't a parallel universe story. It was a couple of minutes at the end of the film.

At Jess:

1) The pub didn't exist, but the rip in time did. I don't think the toilets were time travelling rooms, a rip in time just happened to be in there, probably because then they could use the great "There's a leak in the toilet" joke.

2) I figured that when they become super famous for whatever was on the paper, they just described how they were sitting, most likely after half an hour of debating who sat where and who had drank the most.

3) Millie wanted to kill them right after because as Cassie said, they like to kill people as soon as they've done whatever it is that would make them great.

4) I don't remember anyone saying it took two months to fix the leak. I always wondered about the old dude that walked in as they were doing their wee dance.


Like how the hell did Pete get back to the pub if he fell into a time where the pub didn't exist Or am I being really stupid?

The latter. The pub did exist, it was just hard to get to since the ground level was lower. If the pub didn't exist, Pete couldn't have fallen out of the bathroom door, could he?

Think of the bathroom as being displaced in time along with the travelers. Wherever the bathrooms takes them, they also exists at that point in time.

In order to access the mens room, he would have had to find a way to climb up to it.

And who even saw them all there with their piece of paper to make them famous.

Keep in mind that what we see when our characters are time traveling is all stemming from the timeline where Milly kills them in the pub. Hence why they're famously in the clothes they pick up while time traveling.

Nobody would have to see them in the booth. They would just have to see their dead bodies in the pub.

And why did Millie wanna kill them before they had even been discovered. None of it made much sense to me.

Yes, it does. As was mentioned in the film, the idea of Editing is to kill an artist before they can tarnish their ultimate accomplishment with lesser works. The example they used was killing Lucas before he could make the prequel Star Wars films. That way the image of the original three is never tarnished by the terrible prequels.

Also if it took 2 months to sort out 1 time leak how many others ended up in the exact same position as the guys going through the 2 time leaks

We don't know and it doesn't really matter. The story isn't about any of those people.

The new home of Welcome to Planet Bob:


it was a comedy. get over it. the character that got lost, was funny because he was so scared, they were never going to tell everything. If anything this movie was just an exercise in budget story telling. it could have been better, but not in the ways you highlighted

"...I'm a contradiction"


There are parts that don't make sense, but they don't have to.

My IMDB page


and how had the main guy been dating anna faris for 2 years.

He'll eventually run into her in his future and his past, and they'll date.

why did anna afaris character rememeber everything shouldnt she have forgot

Maybe the same reason they did. Some time travel stories allow people to remember events that "didn't happen" if they were part of them. Or, the time travel technology somehow shielded her from forgetting what happened and protected her from changes to the time line.

and the parralell universe story makes no sense

Why not, and how do you know, we haven't even seen it?

"Demons run when a good man goes to war."


" and how had the main guy been dating anna faris for 2 years.

He'll eventually run into her in his future and his past, and they'll date. "

I am in the mood to resurrect something old.

First of all, it's not Anna Faris, it's Kate.

Second of all, that wouldn't really work - because if it happened that way, anna Faris would then have dated him for FOUR years, and he would only have TWO years - but that would be impossible, because she ALREADY HAS dated him for two years, so he can't date THAT version of Kate, he has to find her two years younger version somehow, and start dating her (with the knowledge that they will date at least two years, knowledge, which might change things).

The only even relative plausible explanation is that the ending caused such an interdimensional time-rip that Kate met some OTHER version of him (from some other dimension, or timeline, for example) two years ago (or 'today', but went on dating him for two years, before attempting to fix the rip (which would in itself be illogical - why would she just happily date some guy without even attempting to do her job, and let the Universe get ripped to shreds, and only after two years has passed, will she pick up her gear and go to the past, to meet the version of her boyfriend that has not yet dated her (a fact that she should be AWARE OF, and not disturb things further by revealing anything to him, let alone kiss him or whatnot))..

Hmm.. I probably left out a lot of things, but the point is -- THE MOVIE MAKES NO SENSE!!


First of all, it's not Anna Faris, it's Kate.]

It's actually Cassie, not Kate. :)


we should of been told exactly what happen to dean lennox character in the time he was missing that real irritated me

Should HAVE, and I disagree. Leaving it to the viewers imagination is better. If one has imagination anyway.

and how had the main guy been dating anna faris for 2 years.

Time travel. 2 years for her isn't necessarily 2 years for Ray.

why did anna afaris character rememeber everything shouldnt she have forgot

No. She remembers for the same reason the guys remember. She was involved in the events.

and the parralell universe story makes no sense

You mean the story that we never actually witnessed?

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