Like how the hell did Pete get back to the pub if he fell into a time where the pub didn't exist Or am I being really stupid?
The latter. The pub did exist, it was just hard to get to since the ground level was lower. If the pub didn't exist, Pete couldn't have fallen out of the bathroom door, could he?
Think of the bathroom as being displaced in time along with the travelers. Wherever the bathrooms takes them, they also exists at that point in time.
In order to access the mens room, he would have had to find a way to climb up to it.
And who even saw them all there with their piece of paper to make them famous.
Keep in mind that what we see when our characters are time traveling is all stemming from the timeline where Milly kills them in the pub. Hence why they're famously in the clothes they pick up while time traveling.
Nobody would have to see them in the booth. They would just have to see their dead bodies in the pub.
And why did Millie wanna kill them before they had even been discovered. None of it made much sense to me.
Yes, it does. As was mentioned in the film, the idea of Editing is to kill an artist before they can tarnish their ultimate accomplishment with lesser works. The example they used was killing Lucas before he could make the prequel Star Wars films. That way the image of the original three is never tarnished by the terrible prequels.
Also if it took 2 months to sort out 1 time leak how many others ended up in the exact same position as the guys going through the 2 time leaks
We don't know and it doesn't really matter. The story isn't about any of those people.
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