Leaks in "Time?"

The instant I heard the use of the term "leaks", my mind went to Vonnegut and his character Kilgore Trout and his theory about mirrors being leaks into another universe. I noticed that the blokes while they were in the Loo, spent time in front of the mirror...

As for taking a leak, it is not stealing a mirror.


Vonnegut and his character Kilgore Trout

Yeah, i remember those elves in Lord of the Rings.

As for taking a leak, it is not stealing a mirror.

 If this is true, then there's something really fvΓ§ked up about my life.

People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs


Since backwards time travel is impossible, any attempt to extract logic from a time travel movie is, by definition, an exercise in futility.



First of all, if time travel was impossible, we'd all be 'frozen' (or not even exist). Obviously we're already traveling in time, just at a certain pace.

This doesn't need to be the case in every method of existence, other dimensions, planets, etc.

Quantum realm already has very 'future-predicting' behaviour, that you probably don't either know about, or have forgotten (or would like for us to forget).

Also, 'extracting logic from' is illogical.

Your post is the only exercize in futility here.

People are going to talk about movies, plots, plot holes, logic, illogicalities, etc. on a board reserved for that very purpose, get over it. It's futile to try to restrict or resist it.

It's perfectly feasible to discuss a logic of a movie, time-travel or otherwise.

I would be VERY careful when and where and how and even IF to use the word 'impossible', as most of the time, it doesn't really apply (even thought it appears so).

Not long ago, people thought it'd be impossible to go faster han 40 miles per hour. Then they thought it impossible to construct a machine that would fly in the air and by doing so, propel people safely and quickly from one destination to another.

I probably don't have to go on.. hopefully you get the point. Don't use the word 'impossible' - perhaps 'improbable for you' might be more accurate.


Wow! A blast from the past, almost like time travel. Meanwhile, I stand by my words:

Since time travel is impossible, any attempt to extract logic from a time travel movie is, by definition, and exercise in futility. I don't really need proof, But if you want proof, why has nobody from the future has ever visited us here in
"the past"? Stephan Hawking did an experiment like that. You might want to look it up. His conclusion was that it is

However, I did NOT say that it wasn't fun to discuss it or speculate about it. I love time travel movies and most sci-fi. And I did NOT try to restrict or resist such discussion, because that would also be an exercise in futility. I simply pointed out that trying to extract logic from such movies is futile because it is impossible.

But hey! Have fun with it, be my guest!



I agree. futile.
Every time travel film will have paradoxes( aka plotholes) , differing types depending on the films rules.

It can be fun to discuss them, but there *will* be logic holes.


" Don't use the word 'impossible' - perhaps 'improbable for you' might be more accurate."

Your one of those "imagineers" arnt you ? :p


Thanks for the compliment, but alas no. I'm a retired Purchasing Agent/Graphic Designer.

And I'll stick with the word impossible. It fits in this case imho.



Perhaps I should have more accurately said backwards time travel is impossible. We're all traveling forward in time, and could do so even more dramatically with a vehicle capable of achieving near light speed.

And I'll stick with the word "impossible" in this case.

