MovieChat Forums > The Broken (2008) Discussion > Movies to Die For...Overrated

Movies to Die For...Overrated

I have not seen one yet where I wasn't a little bored, or wondering what was going on, or half asleep within 15's a great cure for insomnia, though...

I think there's a reason these weren't on the big screen.

I'm sure some of you out there are going to say I'm jaded by too much gore in other movies and can't appreciate the more subtle horror. This is not true, Alfred Hitchcock movies still give me some creeps.

I'm not really into movies like Saw or Turistas either. And yeah, I don't want to have to think too hard when I'm watching a movie. I'm trying to escape, lol, not trying to get my doctorate in WTF?


"I think there's a reason these weren't on the big screen."

By "these" you mean...?

"D-E-S-T-R-O-Y : E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G"


uhh....I really dont think they qualify as 'overrated'

to be 'overrated,' something has to have a massive fanbase and be wildly popular...I'm fairly certain these are neither
