All good points. I suppose one could doublespeak your way out of some of these issues by noting that there may have been a problem with this particular doppleganger (Gina), in that her connection to the real Gina was too strong. Somehow, they both seem to have the same memories. For example, we've been following one Gina, presumably the real one who is acting quite normally, only to find out she really is the evil Gina? Very turnabout, but why did that happen?
When her brother tells her, on that phone call (after finding her dead boyfriend), that she lives at Pembridge House, then the question comes up, where was she living all this time?
My big question is really about the following. Although I read the review and how this is supposed to be a psychological thriller, there seems to be more going on here. To me, there seems to be an ongoing replacement of people with doubles, who are emotionless (most of the time), who kill their original to take their place, and seem to have some silent communication going on with each other. It's far more reminiscent of "The Body Snatchers" than just a psychological thriller. These replacements seem to have more strength than we do (we see one shove her hand down her original's throat and, with little effort, seems to hold on to her while she violently struggles to break free as she bleeds out. Yet, no mark is left on her hands when we see her later, cleaning the blood off the floor.
So, what is the agenda of these doubles, besides replacing us? Is this the only people in London to which this is happening to right now? Is this a quiet invasion? We never get even a hint to why this is happening at all and/or if it localized to these people, this city or country, or going on around the world. Could this be a test run for a larger replacement invasion? Which leads to the question, why these people? Are they important somehow or specifically not important. The crazy old lady on the underground train looks at one guy and says "He's one!" She can tell who is human and who is not, so we do get a little bone thrown at us to indicate these aren't the only people being replaced, just the ones were going to watch during this time. So, is the agenda to take over the planet or just find a home for some untold number of whatever "they" are?
Those are my big questions.