I Took it as the reason for them coming was the broken mirror at the dinner party which is known to be a bad omen, seeing ones double or doppleganger is also known to be a bad omen which this movie basically explains why that is as they are in this reality connected. That said, theres your explanation for why they are coming to claim the originals. As far as the asian, guy on subway, and whomever the x-ray was of in the beginning, surely others in the world have broken mirrors. 1/1000 who knows exactly what the odds are but I myself in my 25 years have never broken a mirror, not because im superstitious in the least...just never have and Im sure many havent. Why didnt she remember...because she had brain bruising and a concussion. That can cause you to forget things, and as the doctor told her, once you are able to put all the pieces back together your mind is no longer "broken" and you become normal again, which is exactly what she did. So theres the explanation to it all at least as I percieved it. Overall I though the movie was solid. Were there a few cliches'? Of course, its getting increasingly harder today for there not to be with the sheer volume of films that have been made. Some complain about the pacing.....I enjoyed how drawn out everything was and paired with the eery score it def brought with it a sense of dread and uneasiness. I prefer this over the much cheaper BOOM scares that are so prevelant in todays horror genre. For a low budget film, and as a film period I thought it was pretty good, not great but def worth watching, and even rewatching and def deserves more than a 5.8.......if I had to rate it I would say more like a 7.5.