MovieChat Forums > The Thing (2011) Discussion > We're on the verge of a historic, unprec...

We're on the verge of a historic, unprecedented discovery. Hang on tho.

Team, we're on the verge of a historic, unprecedented discovery. Hang on though. To start, let's chop that creature out of the ice with absolute lazer precision. I am in charge here, as your benefactor and leader, Freinzrich Rofpf Asmudndseenn.

And let's be very careful about what to do next.

We don't know what it is, so let's be careful so that we can control for everything. you know, cause we're scientists....

Hans, go get that drill -- you know the kind, the BATTERY POWERED ones we have here in the 1980's that can drive a 24 inch 3/4 inch bit on battery power through a whole bunch of ice -- yeah. Ok set it over there, yep, right next to this furnace. Ok, pop a hole right through that bad bish. Next thing we know we'll all be rolling in 4 door Aventadors with all those stacks of cash. Ok Freinzrich I'm drilling a hole, cool cool, nice hole, looks good, reminds me of my ex wife. LOL RITE? Ok all set, Team Radmasters, LETZ GET WASTED, HOLLABACK - GOLF WANG!!!

Death death death blood guts squirt squirt roar squirt snap oww yikes die.

I had trouble with the movie. They find an ALIEN encased in ice, and immediately destroy their historic find. Wild.

Very creepy effects and a super yucky monster. But man... that scientific process. Kuff It! Drill!


huh ?


huh ?

He's saying that he wants to scientific process in movies to be more authentic, so that people watching the movie can enjoy 2 hours of scientific boredom they don't understand and have no interest in watching.


They should have left the alien undisturbed, and maybe parked a heavy steel plate over the excavation site.

The silliest part of the movie was when they were preparing to search for the alien after it had escaped. Why? just let it freeze again.


They should have left the alien undisturbed, and maybe parked a heavy steel plate over the excavation site.

Um, it's the find of a century. There isn't a single scientist out there who will leave that alien alone. Not to mention, they didn't exactly know that an alien frozen in a giant cube will come back to life, so steel plate would've been unthinkable to them.

The silliest part of the movie was when they were preparing to search for the alien after it had escaped. Why? just let it freeze again.

Again, it's find of the century. These people knew this discovery means they will be immortalized in history books as the people who discovered alien life exists, we are not alone (the biggest question for most, are we alone?).

They went after alien because:

a) If the alien is alive, think of what they can learn. First contact? So an alive alien is a REALLY good reason to go after.

b) They didn't exactly know whether the alien would be hostile or was just scared. They needed to take the risk and find out, what if it wasn't hostile and just ran away scared? They can reason with it? (though tbh, I would have let someone with a gun take the lead..)

c) You find an alien, it escapes, you don't know if it's hostile or what it can do. Will you feel safe in your cheap wooden base knowing that alien can come after you, attack anyone? Best to find it together and neutralize it for further study.

There are few more reasons to be honest..



"The silliest part of the movie was when they were preparing to search for the alien after it had escaped. Why? just let it freeze again."

Yeah, an alien from another world has escaped, so let's grab our flashlights and go look for it.....not!

-- "Mulder, toads just fell from the sky!"


They find an ALIEN encased in ice, and immediately destroy their historic find.

But man... that scientific process.

The more I think about it, the scientific investigation seems to be a lot more... sinister. Outpost 31 was a research station, with an established crew including mechanics, a doctor, a dog handler, even a cook yet the Norwegian base didn't have most of those luxuries, and the purpose for its existance is a bit vague (a weather station, supposedly). Lars' occupation is listed as caring for a (single) dog yet he was a former Norwegian soldier, and he helped them find the spaceship at the start of the film.

And then there is the find of the spaceship itself. They knew something was out there, and were actively searching for it. Why? Was it because it was interfering with their radio communication, or did they already know what it could've been?

When they're cutting the ice block, Sander orders Kate to hurry up the process of retrieving the Thing from the ice, bypassing regular dismantle processes that Kate would usually do. Maybe he was anxious to get his "big discovery", or maybe he wanted to keep it from falling into somebody else's hands.

Notice how Peder is almost always carrying a rifle, and Lars has a H&K assault rifle plus grenades, not to mention flame throwers and some handguns. There are no polar bears in Antarctica, and they're not near the ocean so there wouldn't be any vicious seals to worry about. So the main threat is probably a human one (possibly the Russians at that base Carter mentions?).

Just a few things that seemed strange to me.

They call me the wanderer.


Maybe the Americans were secretly at war with Norway.

You are gonna like these tacos boy, they taste just like steak.


How cannon do you consider the tie-in videogame? He had to get a sample of the thing to give to Whitley so the US government could make the thing into a weapon at the top secret underground research facility.
