The REAL Original...

I am so sick of all the children who continue to refer to the 1982 film as "the original". The original was made in 1951 and was a better film than both the 2011 and 1982 films.

Sure no ghastly disgusting body bursting monsters (idea stolen from "Alien") but a better written, better acted film with a classic director (Howard Hawks) at the helm.

In 1981 when word came down the pipeline about a remake everyone groaned. They knew it would not be true to the source and probably be a modern day gorefest. No internet then so things did not reach a roaring point, but fans of the Hawks film were shaking their heads.

Surprise it turned out to be a winner. A genuinely good film that stood on its own. Yet true to expectation, it kept very little about the REAL original except the snow.

Now a whole generation of myopic kids think the 1982 version is the original. NO NO NO. Go find, rent, Netflix, whatever you do and see THE original. That is if you can stomach a film in black and white and where no ones guts come flying out of them.


Boomer alert!

Why is it that baby boomers cannot handle the opinions of other people?


Well if that opinion is flat out factually wrong, some folks take issue.

And why call people boomers? You play into someone/somethings hand who wants to keep people separated - in this case by age. TC should not have used the word "child" either.

In Canada at least, in the discount bin at Walmart you can find a Thing DVD collection that has all Thing movies and its only around $15.00 CDN.

Here's a Target link to the collection:
