Can someone clarify the name "Suitcase"? Does it have a back story or just a nickname - Thanks
shareCan someone clarify the name "Suitcase"? Does it have a back story or just a nickname - Thanks
shareIn the books, it's established that "Suitcase" is a nickname in honor of the baseball player, Suitcase Simpson. Suitcase prefers it over his own name, "Luther."
shareAh, it was a very unusual nickname
thanks for the answer that will help me sleep tonight :)
Harry "Suitcase" Simpson. According to the books, Luther has always gone by the nickname; according to the movies, Jesse first pinned it on him (in "Night Passage"). In fact, at the end of the movie "Death in Paradise", Jesse reads the ball player's biography to Luther in the hospital.
shareThanks for expanding a bit more :)