Is it Worth Watching?

I'm thinking of watching this series on Netflix (it recommended it to me in my "Top Picks" section), and I was wondering if the show is worth watching before I devote my time to 7 seasons. I like Duchovny as an actor, but I don't know too much about the series. For some example of shows I really like, my favorites are The Wire, Lost, Nip/Tuck, American Horror Story, Orange is the New Black, House of Cards, Twin Peaks, and Alias. Some of those series are probably in different genres than Californication, but would I like the series if I like those shows?


Its all a matter of opinion. I loved the first 4 seasons. Thought they were amazing. From season 5 on it was hit and miss. But, there were still eps i enjoyed very much. Its just that the premise was small and became repetitive. But i still laughed my ass off in many of the eps. I was not sorry i watched until the end.


I'm currently at season 6, and it seems to be the best yet in my opinion! Just the inclusion of Tim Minchin makes all of the episodes more hilarious.


Yes. Watch until the fourth. Then watch the sixth. Then don't watch it anymore. It was a great and hilarious series, but as said above, after the fourth season it was very inconsistent.


I have watched the first season on Netflix and I am asking myself the same question.

We seem to have similar tastes in shows: American Horror Story, The Wire, House of Cards, Orange is the New Black, Twin Peaks. I've also really enjoyed X-Files (1-7), Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, True Detective.

While a fan of X-Files I'm not particularly enamored of Duchovny. I don't know if it is due to how the character of Mulder was written or what Duchovny brought to the screen. He seemed to have a stunted emotional range on screen.

From what I've seen in the first season I've come to the conclusion that Californication is the male version of Sex in the City. We are asked to identify and empathize with a man who has frequent sex with beautiful people; a prosperous and respected career; a continued (if somewhat strained) healthy relationship with his ex-wife and daughter; a number of close friends whom he can rely on. Basically, through season 1 at least, he's got it made.

Thus, like Curb Your Enthusiasm the entire premise of the show comes down to navigating socially awkward situations. That is the entirety of show's conflict for drama. It's almost like a serialized "Dear Penthouse" forum for the frat boy.

I'm not sure I will continue watching, but watch a few episodes for yourself and see what you think.


Just finished the Netflix Binge of CAli and while the ending was something to wait for... It... The process seemed like it's worth the journey. It's like Scrubs, Gilmore girls, and wedding singer meets a novelist... Mixed in with HIMYM... There is a lot of great writing and stories that are told. It goes for the sexual equivalent of the jugular if it were a monster movie. There's all sorts of characters to base your own emotional reactions from. The timing and cinematography were outstanding the location scout did and excellent job. The wardrobe dept was consistent through out the show of coming up with amazing designs and concepts. It's worth the watch vs HIMYM as you actially enjoy this Ted going through his-story...


If u like clever witty writing that sends up LA culture and arnt a prude u should love it.


Out of those shows that you list, i've seen (about one season) of Lost, House of Cards and Orange... and i think they all sucked, utterly and complete garbage.

Californication isn't really a good show, but its okay, has some good parts.


I just started watching it tonight on Showtime. Up to episode 3 now, and I'm still not sure what I think, but I'll keep watching it for a while longer. I like Duchovny, and he's doing a good job of portraying a lost, self-loathing arse.

The only one of those shows I've seen -- of any of the shows mentioned in this thread, actually -- is Orange Is the New Black. I watched all 3 seasons, and thought it was a good enough show. Nothing great, although there was one character in the second season who was very compelling and extremely well acted.


I just started watching it tonight on Showtime. Up to episode 3 now, and I'm still not sure what I think, but I'll keep watching it for a while longer. I like Duchovny, and he's doing a good job of portraying a lost, self-loathing arse.

Look at you, Duchovny convert! :-)

Curious if you stuck with this show. If I were to recommend it to others, I'd say seasons 1-4 were the best. Of those, I think S3 was my favorite. What do you think?


Curious if you stuck with this show. If I were to recommend it to others, I'd say seasons 1-4 were the best. Of those, I think S3 was my favorite. What do you think?

Hey Bailey! I started watching this because either you or someone else on the MM board mentioned it.

I ended up watching all seasons, and agree 1-4 were the best. I carried on and watched them all because so many people posted about how bad the last seasons were, particularly the 7th. I wanted to see for myself.

Anyway, I didn't particularly like the show, but was overall entertained enough to watch all the seasons. Mostly I got tired of the two main characters repeating their same dance through 7 seasons.


Hey Bailey! I started watching this because either you or someone else on the MM board mentioned it.

I ended up watching all seasons, and agree 1-4 were the best. I carried on and watched them all because so many people posted about how bad the last seasons were, particularly the 7th. I wanted to see for myself.

The problem with the show in those seasons was that Hank's writing was always the backdrop and what / where he was writing just became more and more preposterous. I could find bits and pieces of those seasons to enjoy but by and large they were just bad repeats of themes and scenarios we'd already seen done. The second-to-most worst aspect of S5-7 were the increased shenanigan's of the Runkels / Stu / whatever. Like, to the degree that I would actually get nauseated by their storylines and presence on the show. I don't think anyone should have to see that much of Evan Handler's mostly naked body. Truly.

But the worst was, by far, the introduction of Levon. As a concept, I thought it was fine because it would be of zero surprise to learn that Hank had other out-of-wedlock children running around in the world. But the execution of Levon was such a tragic misfire from casting, to the character himself, to how Hank relates to him, everything....just an unbelievable mess. I never bought for one second that Hank would have anything to do with that kid, biology or not.

Anyway, I didn't particularly like the show, but was overall entertained enough to watch all the seasons. Mostly I got tired of the two main characters repeating their same dance through 7 seasons.

Yeah, it's an odd show. I can say that I genuinely liked it the first four seasons, but I never loved it thoroughly as a television favorite. Even if there were some aspects of it I did love. Rick Springfield was hilarious! I laughed out loud more times than I can count but think that is mostly down to DD's performance and command of the character. If DD weren't in it, it's unlikely that I would have watched at all since, tonally, it's not generally up my street. At some point I realized that although Hank was supposed to be a bit of an anti-hero, he really was never all that bad or morally questionable. Mostly he was a drifter that the people in his life liked to harangue as though he were just the worst of humanity. So I agree that the dance between Hank and Karen become completely overdone to the degree that I began to loathe both Karen and their whiney, depressive, moralizing daughter. I wanted to drop kick both of them.

By the end of the series, I was actively rooting for Hank to tell the rest of them to eff-off and to hook up with Trixie the prostitute.

Anyway, glad you watched and at least semi enjoyed it. :-)


I loved this show. LOVED. It does lose itself along the way but season 1-4 are amazing. They make the entirety of the show worthwhile.


ITA with you that the first 4 seasons were awesome. Even in the later seasons while it did get repetitive there were still some awesome episodes
