MovieChat Forums > Californication (2007) Discussion > hank is flawed, karen is annoying!

hank is flawed, karen is annoying!

natasha is a great actress so i am not sure why she is so unconvincing in this show. i am not the slightest bit convinced of anything she says and the adolescent smirk that she has the entire time she is delivering serious lines does not help.


Oh thank you mentioned it . I though it was only me, glum Russian, who could not stand that imbecile smile on her face. For me it's hard enough to belive that such a personality like Hank could love the only one woman and the choice of actress for that role does not help at all


I agree. Maybe someone else in that role might have been able to do a better job at believably playing Hank's obsessive love interest.

After the first couple seasons, I couldn't even stand looking at her.


What's wrong with the main character being flawed?

I always loved Karen. Natasha and David Duchovny worked well together.

You can't have organized crime without law and order.


ITA with you. I thought that Natasha and David were terrific together. Although I do admit that Karen did get on my nerves at times, but it was not due to bad acting.
