not as good on re-watch?

I've re-watched Season 1 and half of Season 2, and it's not nearly as funny or enjoyable as I remember. Anyone have a similar experience?


I actually liked it more with each season. Most people say it gets worse, but I don't know why, but for me it just keeps getting better. So maybe you had a fond memory of the show because of the later season.


I have not re-watched the whole series since it ended. Although I have watched some eps again and I still enjoyed it. It's true that the last few seasons were not as good. Still there were many eps that were still enjoyable


I just re-watched the whole series. I still loved the first first 3 seasons or so just as much as the first time. After that it's pretty terrible except for a few good episodes here and there.


it was probably just me then to be honest. I found I really disliked the later seasons on the first watch but somehow now liked them more on re-watching.

A big change when re-watching is that to me it's clear his life was ruined by his obsession with Karen. You can't tell that in the early seasons, and when you feel that way the early seasons are a lot sadder. My opinion of course.
