MovieChat Forums > Californication (2007) Discussion > Ugh, Becca is a HORRIBLE singer!

Ugh, Becca is a HORRIBLE singer!

I don't hate her like many other IMDB users here, but I think her singing is gawd-awful. I mean bad. I mean like when American Idol singles out really bad singers to make fun of.

With the insanely expensive guitar Hank bought her (which was a waste- it should have gone to a REAL player), and all the lessons with that douche, you'd think she would be at least decent. Her guitar playing is lame as hell, but that voice. Makes me cringe.

Her speaking voice is a little grating too. Her character seems ok. She has problems like many other kids her age have, so while she is somewhat spoiled, she isn't too bad. She even seems sweet. She can sometimes be cute, but certainly doesn't seem like the actual biological child of either of them. Karen (Natasha M) is beautiful, and would NOT give birth to a girl with those features. Sorry.


Agreed! I can't believe they think it's such a great idea to emphasise it.


I thought the show was trying to add a bit of realism. That not every highschool band has singers like Lindsay Lohan had in freaky Friday or something like that. That they didn't all have magnificent voices.

I do agree with the OP, Becca's voice is horrible whether speaking or singing. It got a little better in season 5. She didn't have as much of a whiny voice as she used to.

I'm a Timelord.
Right, not pompous at all then.


Yea her singing is pretty horrible.


Didnt she only sing like once though? And then it was only guitar playing. And THEN she stopped playing guitar. People critcize her storyline but it seems like a pretty typical teenage girl going through phases and discovering what she is/isnt good at


How can you not think this sounds like the song of angels?

I mean, dogs even start howling when listening to this.


Just horrible


Yeah, it's bad. And her speaking voice is whiny, and her attitude is awful. "why couldn't you have been a different person dad?" Even when she finally says something which sounds positive and upbeat she immediately pivots into something dark, negative, or hurtful.
One of her parents should have told her at some point that she cannot keep blaming other people for her dark dark attitude and resentful feelings.

I just can't give her credit for the occasional moments of apparent sweetness, because she nearly always ruins each one by bringing up something at the end to remind her dad that he has faults, has made mistakes, screws up all the time, etc.

In real life if someone talked like that as much as Becca does on this show she would be a very lonely person. Who the hell wants to be around a mopey downer who blames others for...everything?
