Ugh, Becca is a HORRIBLE singer!
I don't hate her like many other IMDB users here, but I think her singing is gawd-awful. I mean bad. I mean like when American Idol singles out really bad singers to make fun of.
With the insanely expensive guitar Hank bought her (which was a waste- it should have gone to a REAL player), and all the lessons with that douche, you'd think she would be at least decent. Her guitar playing is lame as hell, but that voice. Makes me cringe.
Her speaking voice is a little grating too. Her character seems ok. She has problems like many other kids her age have, so while she is somewhat spoiled, she isn't too bad. She even seems sweet. She can sometimes be cute, but certainly doesn't seem like the actual biological child of either of them. Karen (Natasha M) is beautiful, and would NOT give birth to a girl with those features. Sorry.