MovieChat Forums > Californication (2007) Discussion > The REAL ending of this show... happened...

The REAL ending of this show... happened four years ago.

In a perfect world, Californication should have ended after its fourth season.

I rewatched the finale of S4 and it felt more than ever like a perfect closure to both the story, and the character of Hank Moody.

Season 3 was when the show first started to show signs of becoming a formulaic comedy (with 'muthafvkka' type catchphrases, cheap sex jokes, and Hank's sudden ability to immediately sleep with any woman he meets), but by the end of S3, the finale re-introduced the Mia storyline, and the Rocket Man finale of S3 was one of the best moments of the show for me.

S4 as such brought everything full circle, as it dealt with Hank going to trial and having to face his demons so to speak.

The end of S4 was beautiful. "You Can't Always Get What You Want" played as Hank visited the film set recreation of his memoirs. Everything about this moment was a callback to season one, and it just felt right. Hank is kind of moving on from Karen, but not really, as he sees her face in the actress of the show; it leaves it kind of open-ended that he's still got immense feelings for her and will get back together with her. The way he explains his love for Karen to the actress playing her ("I don't know. I don't think I've ever known. I think sometimes you get it right the first time, and then it defines your life. It becomes who you are") was way more poetic and Hank Moody-esque than the lame letter he write in the S7 finale. I loved how they had cameo appearances from all the season regulars (he sees Mia's and Becca's faces in the faces of the actors; Runkle and Eddie Nero show up on the set). It felt like everything had come full circle, and it ended with him driving off into the sunset in his Porsche with the same song that opened the first season playing into the credits.

Everything since then has been utter rubbish. Seasons five, six and seven were embarrassingly awful and the series finale was disappointing to say the least. For me, the real finale will always be the last episode of Season 4.

If you've forgotten how poignant and well-done it was, I urge you to go revisit it, and it will help wash away the awful taste of last Sunday's finale. That, for me, is the appropriate farewell to Hank Moody.

What Would Gibson Do?


I like to call seasons 5-7 fan fiction. They're not canon to me.


The only good thing about the way this show was written is that all the season finales essentially function as show finales. So you can just pick your ideal ending after any season.

Due to the lack of moderators, trolls can ruin the IMDB message boards. Don't feed them.


You may be right.
Nothing beats season 2 for me. Lew Ashby out-Hanked Hank. After that season, the others paled in comparison as Hank spiraled up and down every year.


You may be right.
Nothing beats season 2 for me. Lew Ashby out-Hanked Hank. After that season, the others paled in comparison as Hank spiraled up and down every year.
I could not agree with this more.


Wait a minute... who am I here?


Agreed! Stopped watching after season 5, which was horrible.


For me personally, "...And Justice for All" really was the series finale. I haven't watched the show since and judging from what I've read I made the right decision.



Totally agree. That season ended beautifully and was the last great season they made. Season 3, while crazy was the most hilarious to me. And the lawyer season was great and wrapped the story up perfectly. Nothing ever came anywhere close to those 4 seasons. 5 and 6 were awful but at least had their moments. 7 was absolutely awful. As much as people hate Becca its ridiculous that she was only in one episode. What a waste..


That one episode was awful. Becca was the biggest drag on that show, aside from Karen.

If you had used proper grammar, I wouldn't have had to correct you.


You got that right. I got sick whenever anyone talked about how wise she was. Becca's mopey, whiny, dark, depressing, attitude was like a turd in the punchbowl in every scene she was in. If she ever started to say something cheerful it was a trick; she immediately turned it into a negative.
I finally started muting the set whenever she was in the scene.


I'm in the minority that likes season 5, I guess. The Samurai Apocalypse character was pretty funny.

Son, you got a panty on your head.
