Season 2 was...
... the best! The play between Moody and Ashby was priceless. The only moment I was really sad was when Ashby died.
share... the best! The play between Moody and Ashby was priceless. The only moment I was really sad was when Ashby died.
shareI could not agree more.
They never should have killed him.
Wait a minute... who am I here?
I agree with you about season 2. Loved the Moody Ashby interaction.
shareAgreed. Season 2 was the best. One of my favorite seasons from any tv show ever, and I've watched a lot of good sh*t, including Breaking Bad and The Wire. S2 is sublime.
share... the best! The play between Moody and Ashby was priceless. The only moment I was really sad was when Ashby died.
Aww to bad the should have used the spoiler thing. It comes out blanked out and you have to run your mouse over It to see what it says