you wish that's what i said so you can have an easy lay up. where did i say women had to be subservient to men? you mean a world where most leaders are actually men isn't realistic? there's a big difference between being subservient and following a leader. 99.9% of men are followers too. it just so happens 99.9999% of women are. it's fine to have some stories where women are leaders but not 90% of them and especially not when in that story, every leader is a woman. you read that whole paragraph and picked out that one thing you made up in your own mind so you can be right instead of trying to rebut any of the points i made. think about it for a second, what does that actually say about your own intellectual capabilities and the foundations of what you believe are true? maybe you're actually wrong since you can't rebut anything. a lot of your type only go on this fuzzy feeling of being right and get all emotionally riled up but you can't go through the logical steps to work out those thoughts. you can never know if you're right or not if you can't debate the issue with another person. this is the foundation of western philosophy.