Was Gus Fring Gay?

Gus and his first cook Max could have been lovers, or they could have been best friends. The fact that Gus Is hell bent to avenging his death over two decades later adds credibility to Gus being in love with Max


Yes he is gay, after Max was killed Gale became Gus’s new lover which was a reason why Gus freaked out when Gale was killed.


How are you going to back THAT up lol, I know you’re joking but I appreciate the effort anyway.


Just pay attention to the show.


I never saw any evidence that Gus and Gale were lovers. I do think both were gay though.


If you pay attention to the subtext, it is heavily implied that Gus is gay with Victor. He ended up slitting his throat because Gus knew that Tyrus had caught Victor’s affection, ( Gus saw them blowing each other on the lab’s security camera) and he’d rather kill him than lose him to one of his employees. Notice when gus is slitting his throat, he’s cradling victor like one would a lover. The box cutter scene is so genius because it works on so many levels - it serves as a warning for his wayward employees and provide Gus with an act of sexual sublimation


Scene in BCS S6E9 20:00, discussing wine with 'waiter'?


Definitely gay.



Was Gus Fring gay? Uh, yes.

It was so obvious you see it from space.
