MovieChat Forums > Breaking Bad (2008) Discussion > Is this the best show ever?

Is this the best show ever?

This show is incredibly addictive once you start. Which is very fitting considering it's about meth. I enjoyed some seasons more than others, but overall it's impossible to quit watching it, you ALWAYS want to see what happens next.

I don't recall any other show that grabs you like this from the first episode till the last one.
Maybe there are better shows overall out there, I cannot think of any, but I doubt there's anything more addictive than Breaking Bad.


As someone who is not THAT much into tv shows, I say it is. The only show that actually captured my attention, didn't bore me and kept me wanting more. I drop most shows I start watching, but this... I didn't know what to do once it ended lol. The pacing is just great, it pretty much never gets boring or feels like it's dragging, nor does it drop in quality to any significant extent, which are my main gripes with shows.



I enjoyed the ride and watched each season religiously. After revisiting the series again on Netflix it's just not the same.


Well, obviously rewatching something like this is not gonna be the same.
It's like expecting to be blown away by the usual suspects every time like the first time.
While watching the first time, you don't know what's gonna happen. When each episode ends you think and speculate about what you just saw and what's next, but don't know for certain.
The second time around instead you know of all the turns each character and story is gonna take, so it's easy to be less impressed.


yeah, becuase there is the first show, and the last show, and a bunch of godless moronic braindead entertainment in the middle that didn't really mean anything.

i watched it, i got hooked on it ... but I would not have watched it if i could not have binge watched it all the way through at once. most of the characters were disgusting, and it was a big mistake to kill off hank they way they did. it was a nihlistic show that had no soul and just pretended to = like lots of shows today.


As far as godless moronic braindead entertainment, this show is one of the leanest around.
Most of the action is essential to the story and characters, it doesn't dwell long on side trivia.


LMAO what were they supposed to do let him die if cancer.he made it to the very end like 2 episodes shy of the end


This is the reason I have never re-watched this show. It was just so perfect that I was afraid that any re-watch would cause me to start finding flaws or shortcomings that I didn't notice the first time.


I am rewatching it now and it is still impressive to watch. Even though I know what is going to happen, it isn't boring at all.


I wouldn't go that far, but it's really, really good. IMHO "Six Feet Under" is the best TV over ever.


I've never watched Six Feet Under, I saw some trailers and it looked a bit depressing and not that interesting. What's the hook? Am I missing out a lot?


Season 1 and 2 are pretty crazy yet good if you can relate to fucked up family issues. The subsequent seasons until the final one didn't pique my interest but the series finale is still one of my favorite and heart wrenching episodes I've ever seen.

I think SFU didn't connect with a lot of viewers because it had a high profile gay love story/characters and some people just can't relate to that.


The first two seasons of SFU were great, but after that the show lost its footing. Season 3 was particularly bad, but then subsequent seasons had great highs and some lows, but it never returned to the brilliance of the first two seasons.


Agreed. I also wished they kept the mock mortuary commercials and interspersed them throughout each episode as it related to the storyline. I think the show lost its footing when it strayed from the story of the family business and focused more on the ancillary characters outside of the main family. At least that's how I remember the latter seasons.


If they stuck with the main family and Brenda's family I think the show would have gone onto greater heights. I think the show then tried to bring in more quirkiness and that somehow seemed artificial to the original intent of the stories. I think the third season is the worst. HBO must have pressured Alan Ball to put the show together as quickly as possible and it showed.




Well... it is in my top 5... and probably the one which has the highest quality troughout all 5 seasons...


That’s my reasoning as well. It’s for sure always in my top 5. Probably the best overall show, because of how well done it was all the way to the end.

Other top 5 shows of mine like “The Wire” or “Sopranos” had some miss steps, or terrible endings.. So, yeah, Breaking Bad is my top show.


It's my third favorite. I still like Game Of Thrones best, even though I didn't like the ending. And I like Stranger Things next. But this show was great, I loved every episode except "The Fly". I'm watching the series again for about the 5th time. But it's so good I never tire of it. Excellent writing.


I've watched it 7 or 8 times and I'm not kidding.i feel when I'm watching this I'm in the show almost.its without a doubt my favorite show ever


Although BB remains the best series I've ever experienced, Justified came close to it for me. I never watched the Sopranos, but I know there's a lot of love around for that show too.


"Justified", is one show I've never seen, and I don't know why. But if it's that good, I'll have to check it out.


i. The series has an impressive pedigree. It was created by Graham Yost based on a character created by famed crime writer Elmore Leonard. Leonard had a hand in many of the scripts. The writing includes some of the sharpest dialogue you'll hear in a TV series.

ii. The two main characters -- and the actors who play them -- are compelling. This is the series that made me a fan of Walton Goggins whom I didn't know before this. His silver-tongued villain, Boyd Crowder, is equal parts southern charm and unpredictable violence.

ii. The secondary characters are played by a whose who of great character actors, some of whom play against type. Margo Martindale -- known usually for playing grandmotherly types in comedies -- was a standout. For her role on Justified (2010), named one of the "8 Actors Who Turn Television into Art", in the cover story of The New York Times Magazine (9/11/11). I don't want to spoil with any details though.

iv. The saga comes to a definitive conclusion. No loose ends, no ambiguity. You won't end up frustrated and wondering: "But what happened next?"

Give it a watch... I think you'll enjoy it, if you enjoyed BB.
