MovieChat Forums > Breaking Bad (2008) Discussion > Why does everyone hate Skyler?

Why does everyone hate Skyler?

I don't think she's a very interesting character, but I don't understand what she did to make everyone hate her so much. I think she was one of the few real victims in the show, and one of the few characters I actually felt sorry for.


Many fans claim she didnt stand by her man (ive heard men and women make this claim...not sure i agree with this one)
Others hate that she had a fling with Ted the Jerkface (which was a crappy thing to do)
I never liked her because she seemed a nagging and cold person from the first episode...would be miserable living with a someone like that


I've noticed that on shows in which the main characters have very dark or gray motives, there are fans who always hate the 1-2 characters on that show who try to get the main character to stop. This includes Skylar on Breaking Bad, Foggy Nelson on Daredevil, etc. Those characters are usually right in taking a moral stance against the protagonists, but some fans really resent them for it. Maybe because fans want the protagonists exploits to continue so they have a subconscious anger towards anyone who tries to put an end to them.


It’s not just Skyler, it’s the actress that plays her. Anna Gunn was just awful in this role.


Because they have issues with women (their moms, their wives and/or girlfriends, real and/or imaginary).


Really?? Hating an annoying bitch who never even CONSIDERED to try to understand her husband's motives and all she did was making his life harder and harder makes me a "women hater"?? Please...






She was a pain in the ass, a passive aggressive brat and had her husband running around to two crappy jobs plain and simple
The 'woman-hating' deflect is a poor attempt at defending a character that was simply an asshole
Believe it or not some women actually are assholes and Skyler is a fine example of one


No cause of the tankless water heater triggered all that!


Im glad you agree i think


Well I half agree with you. Walter was always lying to her at the start.


I thought they should have placed a better actor in her role.


I thought she be slammin yo. Walter did nothing but lie to her. She be DTF till then


I'm a woman but I related much more to Walt at the beginning of the series. I did find Skyler highly annoying, domineering and opinionated. And I never really liked her..
But the hate for her was way over the top. The much more horrible things excused in others somehow paled besides things like Skylers affair etc to so many people..
In the end she was a victim. To me.
I do think she and Walt loved each other...maybe not the kind of love we would envy but still there nevertheless..But Walt lied about everything for a long time because he thought he had the excuse to. He damaged their relationship beyond repair; not Skyler.
I honestly think that wives in tv shows that mess around and are opinionated will never be forgiven regardless of what's going on with the husband (presumed dead or disappearing and caught lying). Look at the hate for Lori on TWD while Shane mostly got a pass.


I actually liked Skyler's character. I liked her less when she went into the laundering business with Walt; I liked her more when she had the moral high-ground. The affair-thing is really a non-issue based on the way it came about; it was more about revenge against Walt (who at that time had become really bad to her). I don't understand the hate. I thought she was a good wife put in a stressful situation, doing what she could to protect her family.
