I think the idea is that the vacuum disappear guy is supposed to have told Walt their whereabouts.... although how he could have known presents another mystery.
As far as him getting in and out of Skyler's unit, your guess is as good as mine, although I can add a question - Wouldn't they have had Skyler's place bugged to the wazoo - they bugged Marilyn Monro's house (apparently) so why wouldn't they bug little Mrs White's unit considering 2 top law enforcement agents are missing? Walt's the most wanted despot in the country, of course if he is going to contact anyone if he surfaces it will be his family.
I guess he could have followed Junior's bus home from school to find their whereabouts (but that doesn't fit into the timeframe). Considering Walt has been sighted, according to Marie, you'd think they would have tripled up their lookouts on Skyler's place and on anyone tailing Walt junior from school. Good Q's.
Matrixflower :)