not meth.

Put a gun to my head and tell me to name BB's greatest scene and I'll probably say the "This is not meth" scene between Walt and Tuco.


Putting a gun to your head doesn't ensure the truth...just ask Jesse (End Times). 😉

But yeah, that was a good one...birth of Heisenberg.


One of my favorite scenes from season 1 is the scene before that where Jesse comes back to the RV in the desert and Walt is angry at him that he only made a couple of hundred bucks, explaining that he's "breaking the law here" and "it's not enough return on his investment". Jesse says something like, "What do I look like Scarface?"

That is a great scene and very funny line, as Walt is learning the business. Walt has some funny lines there too, like "Grow some f----ing balls! jesus!" Then Jesse explains that he used to have a "wholesale" dealer that Walt tells him to get "until (Walt) killed him". Then it transitions quickly after that scene into Jesse getting beat up, and then Walt going in.


Yeah, Walt hooked up with Jesse, hoping he could take care of the "street business", but was asking way to much out of him, to go up against Tuco, then later when he told him to "handle it" when Pete got robbed.


Yeah, Walt was so clueless. I love the scene where he sets up a meet with Tuco at the junk yard looking like he's straight out of some second rate mobster movie and Jesse says something like "this is like a non-criminal's idea of a drug meet." Then of course Tuco arrives and goes "was the mall closed?" and Jesse looks at Walt like told you so.

The "this is not meth" is awesome because Walt can demonstrate his badassery in it by chemistry, something he is amazing at and can make him feel confident. It is certainly one of the best scenes of season 1, that whole episode ("Crazy Handful of Nothin") is great in how the opening scene and the closing scene tie in together.

Do you even know what honor is?
- A horse.


An all around amazing episode, and inglourious I totally agree, love how they tied the beginning and end scenes together. I remember the first time I saw that (holy crap about 8 years ago, Jesus) and that opening just had me going oh my god what the hell happened? Its also the first time you see Walt with the bald head.

I love the lecture he's giving his class in the beginning of that episode. Talking about energy reactions, and saying that if a reaction occurs rapidly it can generate enormous bursts of energy. He then asks his students who can give him an example of a rapid chemical reaction to which one student replies 'like an explosion?' He then references fulminated mercury (the stuff he uses to blow up tuco's safe house) and says the faster chemicals undergo change, the more violent the explosion.

Its really cool how you can apply his lecture to his actions in not only that episode, but throughout the whole series. Thats the episode where Walt officially becomes Heisenberg as swolbach mentioned, so he himself has gone through a huge change the moment he takes matters into his own hands dealing with tuco after Jesse gets beat down. He undergoes a huge change that moment he stands up to tuck, and its explosive i.e. this is not meth--boom!

It also sort of speaks for the entire series, as the more Walt changes and becomes more corrupted and seduced by wealth and power, and the more he transforms into Heisenberg and moves away from being Walt, the more explosive, dangerous and erratic his life becomes. That lecture sort of foreshadows the entire story in that way.

Just something I noticed that I thought was cool and wanted to share, thanks for reading I you did lol


Yeah, like how the lectures tied into the story.

There was another lecture about chirality, which discussed how compounds that were identical, but mirror images, reacted totally differently. Always felt this applied to Walt, with his chiral opposite...Heisenberg.

Lief...tic, tic, tic...


Lol swolbach, check out the thread for 'of all the horrible things Walt did' or whatever its called


Sorry I mean 'of all the bad decisions Walt made'


Indeed, the structure of that episode (and the whole series) is fantastic with those chemistry lessons. If you had to summarize the whole show into a few choice words, they would be the same ones as Walt applies to chemistry: "it's about change."

the more Walt changes and becomes more corrupted and seduced by wealth and power, and the more he transforms into Heisenberg and moves away from being Walt, the more explosive, dangerous and erratic his life becomes.

Do you even know what honor is?
- A horse.


Well said. I had to see this episode a second time to understand how the classroom lecture set up the Tuco scene. Typical Gilligan genius.


One of my faves was Walt and Hank in Hank's garage just after the penny dropped. So tense and well acted.


The show went into decline after Hank shot Tuco dead.

If you don't read the newspaper you are uninformed. If you are misinformed---Mark Twain


I couldn't possibly name a favourite scene, but two that came immediately to mind:-

"Stay out of my territory" (perfect music too)

"Say my name"
