MovieChat Forums > Breaking Bad (2008) Discussion > Have you ever used meth?

Have you ever used meth?

Not me. And have not plans to.

I've used Ritalin (pharmaceutical meth). It was so long ago I don't remember what it did.

More recently I tried Adderall for a couple of weeks. It sucked. It made my head feel like it was full of white noise under pressure. While it did have some benefits (made me more talkative and confident and probably more focused) overall it was negative. It did nothing to improve my mood.

(It would make me droggy and I once or twice dozed off in front of the TV and fell into a half-awake-half-asleep state. In it I was surrounded by a gray fog and in the middle of that fog there were tall black shadow people walking around me. It wasn't a dream because I was (like I said) half awake).

Maybe smoking meth does something that ingesting a pill can't. Just like how smoking tobacco will (occasionally) make you euphoric while using nicotine in other ways will never do so.

If you don't read the newspaper you are uninformed. If you are misinformed---Mark Twain



Just don't.

It will *beep* up your life.


The way the meth addicts are portrayed on bb is scarily accurate. Its a horribly addictive drug that will destroy you physically and mentally. The way those people look, with their skin all covered in sores and wrinkled, and the sunken in eyes and missing teeth, thats exactly what meth does to users, and from what ive seen and read, it doesn't take long either.

And thats not even mentioning the impact it can have on you mentally.

So like debbyrd said, just don't. No high is worth all that.

It will *beep* your life.


Excluding Jesse.

He's got Hollywood white teeth and isn't gaunt with scabs all over. Same goes for Badger. Skinny Pete does look the part. Wendy definitely does.

Many of the other people were extras from the N.M. area who literally were (are) meth heads.

PS (re-read first sentence of OP)

If you don't read the newspaper you are uninformed. If you are misinformed---Mark Twain


Tried it when I was younger.. along with most drugs. It basically feels the same as like adderall and the amphetamines they give for adhd and if you smoke it its pretty euphoric but just snorting it or whatever it feels like adderall to me. Nothing special. And I never understood how people get so strung out on it I mean its not physically addicting you aren't going to get sick when you stop like you would with opiates or heroin for example. I did it for a while maybe 6 months every weekend then was just like "ehh I'm bored" and stopped and never thought about it again lol. I guess some people really love it and feel the need to use it everyday. And also it really had no effect on how I look after all my drug use I still look more or less the same as before I messed with drugs. However I was never a hardcore methhead using it everyday I've seen and known some of those and yeah they do look pretty much like what you see on TV shows and movies when they show meth heads.. All skinny, look like theyve been up for weeks and bad teeth..etc.

Oh also just to correct you ritalin isn't pharmaceutical meth ... Ritalin isn't an amphetamine actually its closer to cocaine... But stuff like adderall you could call pharmaceutical meth because they are amphetamines. And they actually PRESCRIBE methamphetamine although rarely but its called "Desoxyn".


It seems that I've known more people who shoot it up their arms than those who smoke it (unless I'm wrong in thinking "crank" is the same drug). Actually I don't know anyone who's smoked it. I try to avoid those types and only knew the shooters via work.

If you don't read the newspaper you are uninformed. If you are misinformed---Mark Twain


Yes, I have used meth. Weak drug anyone who gets addicted to it is weak minded person who doesn't deserve to live!!

It's not a scare ass drug as BB makes it seems, actually only for weak minded people get addicted to the drug!


What an idiot you are.


Yeah... Shut-up. If we want to be preached to we'll go to church.


Typical hyper-sensitivity of a druggie. You mad, bro?
