Have you ever used meth?
Not me. And have not plans to.
I've used Ritalin (pharmaceutical meth). It was so long ago I don't remember what it did.
More recently I tried Adderall for a couple of weeks. It sucked. It made my head feel like it was full of white noise under pressure. While it did have some benefits (made me more talkative and confident and probably more focused) overall it was negative. It did nothing to improve my mood.
(It would make me droggy and I once or twice dozed off in front of the TV and fell into a half-awake-half-asleep state. In it I was surrounded by a gray fog and in the middle of that fog there were tall black shadow people walking around me. It wasn't a dream because I was (like I said) half awake).
Maybe smoking meth does something that ingesting a pill can't. Just like how smoking tobacco will (occasionally) make you euphoric while using nicotine in other ways will never do so.
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