I agree. Hank was an insufferable showboater and that's ultimately what got him killed.
By taking Walt on that first ride-along (not necessarily illegal, BTW, it's done quite a bit) he exposed Walt to the "easy money" of the criminal underworld. Cooking Meth was right up Walt's alley, from a scientific standpoint and it was a foregone conclusion that Walt would probably, instantly be the best cook anywhere.
Had Hank not given Walt that initial information about just how much money there was to be made by selling meth, Walt never would have gone down that road. Hank ultimately may have been killed in the line anyway, but Walt wouldn't have had anything to do with it. In any case, Hank set into motion the events of the entire series, just by being a loudmouth showoff. I guess he couldn't help but be who he was, just like Walt couldn't help being who he was in the end, either.
Irony can be pretty ironic, sometimes.