Hallo lief, haven't seen you in a while!
Jesse's my boy, but I just don't see how a prequel about his pre-Walt pursuits would make for interesting TV. I think I would grow annoyed with him and his attitude. I did like Jesse in season 1 - he made for good comic relief - but he was a way more emotionally complex character from season 2 onward. I think a whole entire prequel of him, Badger, Skinny Pete and Combo would need to be rather shallow in order to not mess up the continuity of Breaking Bad. With Saul we know much of his BB-era clown act is just a facade we don't see behind until Better Call Saul, but with Jesse he was what he was in season 1 and his emotional growth/mental decline was a brilliant case of character development rather than simply showcasing an already existing side of his character. If this made any sense? To wit, I do think Jesse was always a kind and emotionally volatile person, but BB just put him into such extreme situations that it came out more. I wouldn't want to see a whole series of Jesse being a wannabe gangsta.
To actually answer the question, Gus. A million times Gus. He's my favorite character to theorize on and I have extensive head canon for his background (I think I've shared it in some thread here.) Yes I'm afraid Better Call Saul will totally throw my theories out of the window and a whole entire show definitely would do that, but it could still be interesting. Although I think with Gus my reaction could also go an entirely different route - I might genuinely hate it if it wasn't at all what I imagine, or I could think it was the best thing ever. So I'm mixed on whether I want his background to be revealed or not. But I'd certainly watch it, rather than a prequel of any other character (BCS is already exploring Mike and much of the Salamanca's/Cartel stuff.)
Do you even know what honor is?
- A horse.