Gus definitely gay

Him and his chemist buddy that Hector killed


I don't see it. People think every close relationship between people has to imply sexual relations between them.


It seemed like him and chemist were lovers and it also seemed like him and Gail could have been lovers at one point.maybe I'm wrong but I started watching this show in April for the 1st time and since then I've seen it 3 times.i can't stop watching this show and it seems I find something new every time I watch it that I missed


Max? Good chance, based on the various hints...not that there's anything wrong with that. At least that's what the writers want you to consider.

Gale? Can't see it.


I'm pretty sure Gus and Max ("the chemist") were lovers. Vince Gilligan more or less confirmed it and Hector certainly seemed to think they were.

With Gale, I don't see it. Gale's personality seems like it would frustrate Gus if they spent too much time together.

Do you even know what honor is?
- A horse.


I don't see Gale and Gus having an intimidate past either. The way Gale is around Gus suggests they never got that close. Gale wants to please Gus in a way that suggests they have had no close bond. Not that X amount of hook-ups has to mean some great bond has been made, but there is just a distance there one wouldn't expect to see had they been together in that way.

I sense their sexualities have never even been discussed, but Gus may be able to tell Gale is gay, and his own experiences with it may make him more sumpathetic to Gale. That is pure conjecture.

As to the OP: yes, I have always thought Gus and Max were romantic partners but remained very closeted.



What hints exactly?


The way Hector treats them, as he takes a leak in the pool..."They like what they see...kissy, kissy".

Sure, anyone could say this and it doesn't prove they're gay. But it does point out that the writers at least want to plant that seed...and let the viewer decide, as with many other things.


They are all conjecture, but first is the fact that Gus hung onto that grudge for as long as did and that his house where children supposedly lived looked like it was staged for an open house (a few toys in a corner but nothing on the fridge door like in all houses with kids, no mess anywhere else.) Hector hinted at it when he was being disgusting at the Cartel estate, when he pulled his dick out to pee and said that Gus and Max wouldn't say anything to "the boss" since they were "liking what they were seeing." An obvious homophobic comment. It doesn't mean he was right of course, maybe Gus and Max simply were so close that people assumed they were together, but it certainly counts as a "hint."

Gilligan said Gus and Max were "probably lovers" but I guess it was left open-ended on purpose. We really know quite little about Gus' life before he meets Walt - or really even during.

Do you even know what honor is?
- A horse.


So you think Gus didn't actually have children? Interesting. I never considered his home was staged. He tells Walt how the kids don't like that fish soup he makes. I figured Gus really had children and a wife (or ex-wife) and was in the closet... maybe never even acting on it after Max died.


I always imagined Gus pretended to have children so he could appeal to Walt's family man image, what with the whole "a man provides" speech and all. I don't know, to me his house seemed way too neat to actually have children living in it, although I guess it was possible they lived elsewhere with an ex-wife. His home didn't seem like a home with kids. I know a fridge door isn't much of a proof lol but it's just an impression I got from Gus' place. I'm very intrigued by Gus as a character so I've got tons of head canon for him, maybe that's why I'm over-analyzing his house.

Do you even know what honor is?
- A horse.


It seems someone is confusing "ambiguous" meaning the same thing as "definitely."

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


Well personally I think there's enough hints at a romance between Gus and Max. Vince Gilligan even said they were "probably lovers". This hetero until proven otherwise thing is a bit weird anyways. If Max was a woman with all of Hector's remarks and Gus' decades long pursuit for vengeance no one would think they were "just friends."

Do you even know what honor is?
- A horse.


That's because business partners are more likely to be of the same sex than platonically of different sex.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


That's because business partners are more likely to be of the same sex than platonically of different sex.

Yes but Gus and Max were clearly more than mere "business partners", that's not even ambiguous. No one wages a bloody vendetta for over a decade over the death of a business partner while conducting said business. Least of all a man like Gus. Also, no one made gay remarks over Walt and Jesse for instance, but Hector made them to Gus and Max. The cartel obviously knew the relationship extended beyond just work. Of course that could have been just very deep friendship, but Gus didn't feel like his revenge was complete before every member of Hector's family had died. That's pretty profound for a "business partner".

Do you even know what honor is?
- A horse.


I personally think they were a gay couple but I don't think it's completely clear, and they deliberately leave it up to the viewers' interpretation.
