MovieChat Forums > Breaking Bad (2008) Discussion > Felina bullet trajectory.

Felina bullet trajectory.

Its obvious you shouldn't be reading this if you haven't seen the series. Series FINALE talk.

One thing that always kinda bugged me about the final scenes of the series is Walt getting shot makes absolutely no sense. I've gone over it a few times and I feel like there has to be some minor detail that explains ALL of it I missed. It seems odd that in the FINAL moments of the show in the direct action that would lead to Walts death would contain a mistake. A mistake in a show that seemed to pride itself on SEEMING realsitic

Walt jumps on top of Jesse to cover him from the machine gun fire. At one point you see Walt sort of works his way to where Jesse is slightly closer to the origin of the gunfire than Walt is. When Walt stands up and tells Jesse to "do it" they zoom in on the "gunshot". His jacket appears to be completely intact as if the bullet somehow managed to hit him UNDER His jacket. Basically in the position Walt is should be physically impossible for this to have happened. Heck the position he was in would make it impossible for ANYONE to shoot him at that angle from ANYWHERE. Let alone the machine gun. Even bouncing bullets doesn't explain this. There is no clear path to Walts right abdomen area WITHOUT going through the jacket.

Yeah I made that seem like a real big deal right? Oh well always made me wonder. It's the only "mistake" in the entire show that seemed to stand out on me. My guess is it actually IS a mistake...I don't see how he possibly could've been shot that way.


It's simple logistics.bullets ricochet I'm surprised he was only hit once to be honest


Hes laying against the floor and before on top of jesse. Manages to get shot on his right side without the bullet going through his jacket. Yeah bullets ricochet but that isn't what I was talking about. There isn't anywhere for the bullet to come from without shredding through his jacket first.

Yet his jacket appears to have no bullet hole in it. With a hole in the jacket it becomes much easier to explain. Trying to figure how a bullet managed to hit him at an impossible angle is a lot harder.

Easy explanation with a hole in his jacket would be a tumbling bullet that struck the outer wall ricochet on a downward angle and hit him in the side. That appears to be what the show wants to say happened yet....jacket.

Be like laying someone on the ground face down with a jacket on and trying to shoot them in the right side without ever damaging the jacket. How do you ricochet a bullet into someones right side who is laying at that angle with a jacket on without damaging it? It's highly unlikely much less from an angle the machine gun was at that would require a bullet to literally have bounced backwards to an extent.


Took a close look at it. Agree you can clearly see that there is no hole in the front of the jacket, where we then see the blood. But we never really get a clear view of the jacket from his right side...the part of the jacket that is covered by his arm when his arms are at his side.

When Walt was covering Jesse on the ground, he had his right arm over his head, holding the car keys, so this area to the side was exposed. If a bullet came thru the wall and ricocheted downward (after hitting wall stud, steel bars over windows, etc.) It could have hit Walt in the side of the abdomen, right about where his elbow would be, when his arm is normally hanging down.

For the rest of the scene/show, we don't really get a completely clear shot that confirms a small bullet hole was not made in this area. The best shot we can see are when Walt raises his arm to shoot Jack, then again when the camera pulls back at the end and his jacket is somewhat open. But looks like there could still be room for a bullet hole to go unseen.

Next question would be is, would a shot from that angle cause the blood we see on his shirt...and could it be fatal. Would say it might be less likely, but still possible.

Wont get into the - second shooter from the grassy knoll theory...
