That is your personal preference, which is fine. To gauge on this dimension, we have to look at objective measure like viewers. Over the last 10 episodes, Brooklyn nine nine didn't even pull 2 million. Over the last two seasons, BBT averaged around 13-14 million, so on that important dimension, there is no comparison. South Park could be considered comedy if not a sitcom, and it doesn't even average a million an episode anymore. Not even Modern Family comes anywhere near BBT as it only averages about 4 million.
Not that BBT is my favorite sitcom or anything, I just think it will end up being the last sitcom that was widely watched and captured the public consciousness. The sheer volume of options available to viewers now (which includes things like Youtube channels) means no one sitcom will eve capture a large section of the domestic audience and be water cooler talk again. BBT represents the end of an era. I think there may be a good drama in the vein of GoT or Breaking Bad, but the age of the sitcom is over.