Who do you agree with more regarding comet credit?
Raj or Penny? Raj was taking credit for discovering the comet and Penny was credit or co-credit?
I was more on Raj's side. Why? He's the astronomer who planned the viewing on the roof, he set it up, brought the telescope and had it positioned in the correct spot that found the comet. Penny was just uninterested guest he let look through the scope. He was going to be looking through it all night so allowing a notice to peek through for scope for a moment as a favor I don't quite give the "credit" for that.
It was a noteworthy story to mention in interviews and such that he let his friend join the viewing and they were actually the one who saw it through the scope first but it was still his viewing and he took the measures and skill to be searching the night sky in that area.
I don't consider, "hey friend would you like to take a peek through the scope" as being the scientific discoverer, even though her eyes saw it first.