Great movie

For some reason unknown to all, even myself, I constantly watch low budget movies. Most are pretty bad, living up to their low budget, but this movie really surprised me. Quite a bit of time was spent setting up the characters & typically this bores me, but it was really well done & very interesting in this movie. Once "evil things" started happening, I was on the edge of my seat for the rest of the movie. The acting was fantastic for a low budget movie as well. There were a few things that confused me on minor details, I think it was more direction than script, such as was Amber inside or outside when she lit a match, although I was able to figure this out later. All in all, I had a great time watching this.



I'm the same way! There's always precious little on the horror shelf that I haven't seen so I end up getting stuff that I know is going to be average (or worse!) but this one was great. I was in it right from the start with it's unusual stillness, I liked how it didn't adhere to the usual horror movie thing of opening with a killing just to get peoples' attention. The performances were great and the bathroom "dead mary" scene was actually scary! How many times have we seen the scary face in the mirror or behind the shower curtain thing, but there was so much tension in that scene, I loved it. Also good to see an ending that didn't wrap things up neatly but wasn't the obligatory leave-space-for-a-sequal thing. Totally impressed with this one.


I have to agree this movie was really good. I was surprised by the acting and cinematography. It is a shame it has such a low rating.

You know that sound Goofy makes when he falls? That's my quote.
