100 things I learnt from Dead Mary....(spoilers)
I've seen this on other films, so I'll start off...
1. Dead Mary infects her victims so that they become arrogant insult throwing zombies who's main aim in their new life is to be burnt alive.
2. Pouring gasoline over your dead friends and setting them on fire is a much better idea than using it in the car and getting the *beep* out of there!
3. Once you're in your late 20's you should always make quip remarks about how young your friends girlfriend is at 22, however, NO ONE is too old to play dead (bloody) mary.
4. If you happen to break up with your girlfriend on the way to a friends retreat for the weekend, you will die.
5. If you have sex with the above mentioned ex girlfriends best friend you will get eaten.
6. If you discover your ex boyfriends body and it starts talking, instead of asking him if he's ok first, run at him with a shovel and smash it in his face. It's much easier to think of zombie monstors than your horrible ex actually surviving.