i say leave him at the same age or at least make him 1yr older or something just to make it abit different and refresh the character
making him two olde just makes it pointless, it just breaks the point of the "school kid running amuck" concept
otherwise you've gone from "non gta clone" (i.e beautiful game in its own right)
to being a WATERED down gta clone...
and if his in college doing naughty stuff, won't that just be leisure suit larry?
I say make the game abit more mature, i.e steal cars and drive around causing chaos, have newer weapons, pickup older women like ms. phillips (god what a tease lol) etc
anyways just a thought
to keep people interested in bully and the thought of a sequel alive i have made a fanpage
upload vids/pic/music and sequel ideas or just chat about anything thats bully