Hottest girl?

Perhaps the topic has been done to death, but I'd still like to know what you think. For me it would have to be either Christy or Pinky. Perhaps Christy is prettier overall, but I find Pinky far more interesting to look at. I'm surprised, though, that an overwhelming majority of people on youtube (this was a long time ago btw) said that Lola and Zoe were the best looking. I happen to think that they're kind of weird looking.

What about best looking guy? Thoughts?


I'd say Pinky.

Who can take you higher than a twin peak mountain blue?


Beatrice!!!!!!!! Nerdy girls FTW!!!!!!!!!

Beautiful Charlotte is the best poster on the whole IMDB .



Pinky, Mandy, Zoe, Christy


Angie: Can't beat asian chicks.

Beatrice: Can't beat brainy chicks either.

Mandy: Sure she can be a bit of a bitch, but that's only because she's vulnerable and sensitive deep down. Once you get to know her, she is, IMO more Kelly Kapowski than Stock Evil Cheerleader. I can change her.

Lola: Yeah she's a bit Happy Days but anyone who looks that good in leather gets my permission to look as retro as they want. Besides, I like to taunt the greasers with a "Sit on it, Fonzie" when they try to start crap with me. My insult, not Jimmy's.

Christy: Redheads. Nuff said.

Pinky: Gold-digging ho. Great kisser though. Doesn't do much for me otherwise.

Zoe: Haven't gotten that far in the game yet.
