The CD .. *spoilers*

So... Katie burned the CD from Ozzie's writing on the computer. And it was a dvd format. So why were there a bunch of numbers and crap that usually pops up when a computer crashes and none of the work is recoverable ? Just numbers and letters that look like "codes"

Only thing I don't understand about this film. I love this movie, but when you burn writing onto a disc from a PC, from a word document, it just burns as it was written. So... how did it get all messed up from his writing of his memoir to the stuff that makes it appear "important" or all it "CIA code" ? And Katie did this to show the lawyer to get dirt on him for the divorce so wouldn't she have looked at it after burning it to see it came out ok or did she just never look at it once it transferred?


My impression was Katie retrieved everything stored on the computer to a disc. CD vs DVD, dunno. The "numbers" were bank account numbers and not code. I think this was reemphasized when the not brilliant Chad mentioned the numbers were obviously code and later when Osborne Cox called his banker a moron in frustration because he didn't know his account number(s) by memory. Regarding your other questions, Katie collected the information upon advice to gain access to everything financial in their marriage (prior to filing for divorce) to prevent Cox from hiding anything.

He killed sixteen Czechoslovakians. Guy was an interior decorator.
