Delightful, hilarious
A wonderful satire of the cognitive errors in our thinking.
The characters are silly because they can't think outside of their stereotypes. The CIA are the greatest morons in the movie, thinking they're witnessing some elaborate spy action, so instead of doing something they just wait for the "plan" to unfold.
But every other character is in the same boat, trying to make sense of random coincidences and silliness. Cloony has a revelation in the park when he "realizes" that everyone is spying on him. Osborne Cox sees morons everywhere, and the only person he's trying to have a sensible conversation with is his brain dead father. Every character is locked inside their own stereotypes, and everyone creates their own false reality of the world around them.
The Coens even make fun of a movie stereotype in the Russian Embassy scene. The giant concrete building, the walk in the spooky corridor, Putin's picture on the wall, the Russian spy saying he's just a cultural attache... Hilarious stuff.
The threads here are also funny, with people complaining of not understanding the movie. It's a satire, folks, and if you don't understand it, it's probably about you.