Lactose intolerance is not an allergy. You develop anaphylaxis or anaphylactic shock from exposure to milk if you are allergic to it (or peanuts or bee stings etc), but not intolerant. Lactose intolerance means you lack the enzyme in your gut that aids in completely digesting lactose in milk. This leads to bloating, gas, diarrhea and therefore discomfort. You can either drink Lacaid milk (which has removed the lactose) or chew pills that contain the digestive enzyme as a prophylaxis to prevent the symptoms of intolerance. If you were allergic to milk, this would not help. Allergies are an inappropriate inflammatory immunological response to a protein. Which can lead to you swelling up and asphyxiating, not the same thing as tummy upset at all. So yeah, I guess farting & diarrhea have been overused joke in movies for some time. And although serious allergic reactions have been shown as tragic events (think My Girl), lately they've been used for sport, too, like in Hitch & Monster-in-Law. I don't find them funny at all, but, hey that's me.