Terrible Actor

Am I the only who thought Thomas Jane was a shockingly atrocious actor in the more significant or impacting scenes? At one point during the sobbing fit at the end, I could have sworn he paused as though the director had called cut or something, then just started to sob again. It made me cringe the whole time. I liked him in Original Sin, but that's about it. I honestly feel like he ruined this movie with his terrible performance.
In saying that, I still rated it 8/10. The ending was fantastic (minus the acting).


From my point of view it's quite the opposite,he lost his mind and the scream and stop and scream etc its a macabre way to represent hos state of mind at that point,i totally felt for his representation of madness at the end of the movie,cheers :)


Yes, agree completely. That ending would've been quite intense had this film had a better actor to make it work. A lot of the performances in this were a bit cheesy though, not just the lead, as was much of the film itself. Still, it was entertaining and honestly had me biting my nails, despite the flaws.


Seconded. Thomas Jane is a dreadful actor, he has no range and the ending was pathetic.

It's all a deep end.


I like Thomas Jane, I really do, but yes, that part of the film was bad.

In the theater, we heard people snickering while it was going on. At the time, I paid no attention to it because I *loathe* people that can't stay quiet in a theater. Absolutely loathe 'em.

The part where he starts dry-firing the weapon to his mouth was particularly corny. He *knew* their was no bullets left but he *still* did that? Come on, now.

Overall, he was average at best, he didn't completely kill the film for me, but he *did* have a part in why, overall, I have a so-so appreciation for this adaptation.

For me, the awful CGI is what did it. I remember that I couldn't *wait* to see the creatures on screen, and then being totally disappointed in them after seeing it. Ugh...

"97-X...Bam....The future of...Rock 'n' Roll."


Not bad enough to stand out from the others, e.g. "Norm" and "Mr. Norton."

Two of my favorite character actors were in this: Frances Sternhagen (RIP) and William Sadler. The talents of both were wasted.

I can't read anything by Stephen King... he seems to either love his own writing or gets paid by the word. I did like the film versions of Carrie," "Misery," and "The Shining." King's hate for the latter only supports my dislike of his style.


He was miscast. He's not good for this kind of everyday-man dramatic roles.
