The ending, for myself...
... was absolutely awesome. I realize the topic of this movie's ending has been beaten to death at this point, but I just felt like making a celebratory topic to change the pace a bit.
Personally I thought it was go great because, honestly, I found it very realistic. It's SO insanely easy for people to sit on a forum and tell what they would do in this situation, how they would fight to the end because it's easy to picture ourselves as some unstoppable warrior-like figure from a movie. The reality though is people don't function like that. At all.. And even those that do, there's always a point when you have to realize that it's over, when logic tells you the end is here.
Try to really think of it from their perspective. How many of you have seen (actually SEEN, not an internet video) of someone being ripped apart? Been in that situation? Now imagine several of those. With strange creatures that are impossible to even exist on this planet.
With that imagery, now imagine finding someone right before their body rips open with baby giant spiders as they scream... Frankly, I can't even begin to put together the sheet horror one would experience at witnessing these things because I've never come close to anything so awful. Not to mention the insanity of the people in the store.
Now imagine your wife/husband, or whatever form of significant other suffering this fate. Because don't forget, he found his wife in this same position... an egg host being eaten from inside by baby spiders. Again, I can't even wrap my mind around what kind of anguish I would be feeling, it's too much to fathom. A horror beyond anything this world would ever be able to present.
And after much driving, all the way until the tank is empty, there's still no sign of escape from the mist. No end in sight. Now with no mobility, they're an open target and a horrible death is coming. But as they've already seen, it isn't going to be quick or easy. Any loving father would do what he did to spare his son that fate.
So I guess my gripe is, again, with people who say it was weak and they would fight to the end. The ENTIRE movie establishes there really isn't much for fighting. There's avoidance, but ultimately if you're caught out in the mist, you are absolutely sure to die. For what they had been through, and where they were, it was perfectly logical to assume it was the end. Just turns out, it wasn't...
Anyhow, I guess this is a bit of a rambling. But as I sat here watching the movie again (have watched it several times, a large part BECAUSE I enjoy the ending so much), just thought I would check the forums to see if everyone is STILL complaining about the ending. Felt like voicing my perspective, and maybe provide a thread for others who actually liked it to speak up too. :)