So what would you do?

If you discovered a death note dropped by a Shinigami, what would you do? Would you use it to punish criminals? Would you go full out evil and just become a serial killer? Would you just burn the book?

I'm curious as to what people would do in this situation.

Just because you're too stupid to understand it, doesn't mean it's a plot hole


I'd write in it: "... (a billionaire) leaves his fortune to me in his will and dies of a heart attack". Then I'd burn the note.


The person you kill can't do things out of their scope. If the billionaire doesn't know you they can't leave their fortune to you.

THEY SHOOTIN'! ah, i made you look.


I don't think I would be able to trust myself with it. Chances are i'd want to go the Kira route and use it to visit justice upon scumbags (though not to such a degree that i'd draw a sh!t-ton of attention to myself like he did), but there's always the potential of going overboard, as he eventually did. The temptation would be strong, and gradually grow stronger the more i'd use the note, to write in the names of personal enemies who aren't really doing anything wrong aside from making aspects of my life suck. Being mindful of that possibility, i'd probably throw it away, or better yet burn it.

"The comfort of the rich depends upon an abundant supply of the poor."
- Voltaire



I'd shape the world to my ideals through politicians. Kill the corrupt politicians and anyones who opposes my ideals of what the government should be. I know it seems creepy. But I gotta be honest to have that much power that I probably become a psychopath just like Light did.

Probably kill criminals on the side but mainly shape the world through politics.

There should be a western adaptation of the series into a movie. Better than Twilight, Divergent, and all other teenage messes Hollywood puts out there. Death Note would actually be interesting.
