Is this anime good?

For the record I dont watch anime at all, the only other one I saw was Cowboy Bebop and I liked the Vicious episodes, the others not so much. Just finished the first 2 episodes of DN and so far it seems AMAZING and very suspenseful, but I've heard terrible things about the ending. Is it THAT bad??? Like LOST where something uber polarizing happens? Worth finishing?


Hi. The ending is not that bad. It's one of the best series I ever saw. I don't like the ending, too, but here in Germany, were I live, other people in forums like the ending. But besides from the ending, which is only the last episode, if you like movies, where smart people do very intelligent things and are very professional, then you love this anime. And the suspense is huge. After every episode I had to see the next episode :D
The style of the anime is similar like Sherlock. If you like Sherlock, than you would like death note, too, I think.
Sorry for my bad English, I hope, I help you with my answer



It started off amazingly strong, dragged a bit in the middle (it got very repetitive), and picked up again towards the end, but never quite reached the same heights that it did at first. It's certainly worth watching, and will get you hooked, but I wish it was a few episodes shorter.


If by good you mean great, then yes.

..or maybe not lol


It has polarising reviews. I liked it up to 2/3 or so, I was not fond of the last arch. I still would rate it 'good' because of the first twenty something episodes, ut later on it became a bit muddled. I do not think the ending was that terrible, it was decent. If you lied the first episodes, I'd say give it a go. Some of my friends hated the main character so much they did not even get past that, if you enjoyed the beginning, you will probably enojoy the rest of the show.


The first 2/3's is great, just watch through episode 25 and you should be good!
