So was Raye Penber...

So was Raye Penber condemned to the same fate as all other Death Note users (they can neither go to Heaven or Hell) because he wrote the names of his fellow FBI associates on the pages of the death note?

Was he spared from this fate because he didn't touch the death note itself? Or because he wasn't purposely using the death note to kill, he believed he was innocently writing people's names on a seemingly harmless piece of paper.


I hope that only Death Note owners would disappear into nothingness, not people like Raye.


only Death note Owners go to nothingless.


The rule is clear:

“The human who uses this note can neither go to Heaven nor Hell.”

It says nothing about ownership, or intent, or even awareness of the rules itself. Merely using the note. Therefore, sadly, Ray Penber is just as fucked as Light... for eternity.

*laughs in Ryuk*
