Lewis Eating

I don't understand why they always have Lewis eating something. His way of consuming food has the most disgusting sound I have ever endured! Exaggeration, slightly, but, truly, it is disgusting. Expiation, for example. That episode also had equally disgusting sounds from LaPlassiter, who also could have used a nose-hair trim. If they wanted him to be revolting, they succeeded.


Hehe. I'm so glad you posted this first. I agree completely. On the one hand I can't stand to watch Lewis eat, and OTOH, when he's doing it, I can't tear my eyes away, even while I'm being completely put off. 😂


Ugh, I felt the same way about LaPlassiter. I like the story of Expiation, it's very dark, but that man is just painful to watch. Just repulsive.

I understand exactly what you mean about Lewis eating, it isn't attractive in the slightest.
