Did anyone also sort of get an impression that this movie...
... in a way, was like a historical and EVOLUTIONAL revenge film or an attempt at one as such, complete with supernatural fantasy elements and extreme examples of explicit sex and painful violence, where one of its themes were women attempting to take revenge of men for how they may have been segregated and mistreated since the very first time men and women appeared on Earth?
Sort of like how, we have **** and revenge movies, we have feminist-themed movies (Ms .45, Thelma and Louise, von Trier's own Dogville etc), we have biblical movies, we have supernatural movies, movies that explore humanity, horror, surreal and fantasy movies and extreme and controversial movies, and in a way...
Lars von Trier's "Antichrist" (2009) was like an odd combination of all of them but unique and great enough on its own.
Even if in some ways, its also a parable about brainwashing and how if told many times throughout how someone is this and that, they believe it and it becomes second nature.
But in a both odd and disturbing sort of way, I think the movie was mostly that.