OH NO! Another Lars Von Trier Film I Have to Watch!
I just discovered that this thing exists. Somehow, during the long nights in the Fortress of Pondering, I neglected to be informed that my favorite Nazi made another movie about disgusting humans. Now I have to review the damn thing. Lars is a Nazi, folks. He SAID he was a Nazi, he makes Nazi movies and HE IS A NAZI. I'm just curious as to how he protrays some aspect of Nazi mythology in this "film." Based on my past encounters with "Von" Trier's "art" I predict that 1) The movie will promote cultural primitivism. 2) The movie will promote noble death over mundane life. 3) The movie will promote the primacy of "race" (genotype) over the individual. 4) The movie will tirelessly point out the "fact" that human beings are soul-less meatbags that possess nothing but DNA and willpower.
How close am I? Pretty close?