Nixon was not America's greates monster yeah he had wire tapes but they all do that i doubt that their has been a lot of preidents that haven't done something illegal the only diffrecne is Nixon got caught still he did a lot of good things he opened relations with China and a lot of people think had it actully gone to trial he might have gotten off.
i told you not to stop the boat. Now lets go. Apocaylpse Now
The taping was not wrong. His wrong was in the many actions taken by CREEP (committee to reelect the president) and his attempts to cover it up. A long list of illegalities took place as part of something called Operation Gemstone. The Nixon Tapes reveal that he felt himself to be above the law in many respects.
Nixon just caught and he did do a lot of good and he wasn't already the onyl president to do something illegal
when Aaron Burr was Vice president he killed somebody Polk started an illegal invasion into Mexico that started the Mexican war and as for Reagan look into the Iran Contra affair how he didn't get impeached after that is beyond me
i told you not to stop the boat. Now lets go. Apocaylpse Now
Except for Andy Jackson and a possibly a few others, how many other presidents entertained the idea of genocidal murder of civilians and spoke so cavalierly about it?
Clearly your OP is an apologetic. Look up the word in a dictionary if you're unclear about it meaning.
and who mentioned Hilter
It fits the occasion. Like Nixon, Hitler advocated genocide and managed to do "good things" as well, as his apologists are quick to point out ("He built the Autobahn)
so i am not really sure what point your trying to make other then you seem to like Hitler
Semantics is not your strong suit, is it?
and while Jackson hated the indians not all the presidents did
Where did I write that ALL the presidents did? And where did I even specify Native Americans?
i doubt that their has been a lot of preidents that haven't done something illegal the only diffrecne is Nixon got caught
1. The "Everybody does it" argument only works on criminals. All others recognize that a criminal act remains a criminal act no matter how many engage in it. 2. Not all presidents authorize politically-motivated burglaries aimed against their opponents and cover-up the felonies afterwards. So when you say "the ONLY difference", do you mean to suggest that all illegal acts are of equal significance?
Hitler and Nixon are not alike bombing Cambodia is a little different then systematically murdering 12 million people
man you really got a Hitler thing don't you
and i will try saying this again while bugging people is not right the people on this board and the characters in the film like Sam Rockwell really seem to hate this guy and that is not founded over bugging some Democrats office
like the one scene which is so dumb where Nixon talks about how his daughter says he is the finest man she nows
and Sam Rockwell is like appaled
that is idotic one: what did the Rockwell think Nixon's kids hated him
two: Nixon was talking about himself did Rockwell really excpect him to say bad things
like i said a stupid scene
i told you not to stop the boat. Now lets go. Apocaylpse Now
And by one measurement more bombs were dropped over Cambodia and Laos under Johnson and Nixon than the Allies dropped during World War II. Laos has the dubious distinction of being the most heavily bombed country, per capita, in the world. 80 million bombs still lie, unexploded, on Laotian territory. Children are still being killed or maimed by them to this day.
man you really got a Hitler thing don't you
A "Hitler thing"? What's that? Obviously, you don't think the man was a monster.