
Every time an American production portrays Australians on screen they just insult us. Never has an American come close to our accent! And we have as many variations as you lot!
For the love of (your) god, only hire Australians to play Australians otherwise we are only a nation of jokes to you people!
Not to mention the scene on Sydney Harbour set in 1974 with buildings constructed 30 years later in the background; but who cares right? It's only Australia.


Oh! Poor little baby. weep. weep. America is just so inconsiderate to the Aussies. Maybe we should only have Americans playing Americans and then most of "your lot" who have "made it big in America," would essentially be actors that no one has ever heard of (except the Australians of course, but why do all you great ones want to get the hell out of there?). And by the way, don't worry if the Americans don't get the Aussie accent right, most of the world has no idea anyway, nor do they care -- and I would think it would take much more than that to make you a nation of jokes. I bet you'll figure out how to do it. You need to take your passion for injustice to a cause that deserves it dude!!


Until your last sentence I wasn't exactly agreeing with you, but, your last sentence makes sense. Until your last sentence you sounded like a real tool, but, your last sentence is good advice.


I'm Australian & I couldn't give a rats fat crack whether the accent is close or not. I'm pretty sure that Americans are not making a big fuss listening to Guy Pierce, Russel Crowe or Heath Ledger (Rip) etc with their attempts at an American accent.....


No, we don't complain -- we love the Aussie actors as is very obvious:o)


I'm big enough to admit I was over sensitive. Hey, I'll put my time into freeing the West Memphis Three and not worry about petty BS anymore.


Have got to say that I didn't have any knowledge of the "West Memphis Three" so I googled it and then got my hands on both Paradise Lost movies.... AMAZING!
Thank you TayshaWaffles


And look - it worked! Congrats, mate!


Yes right mate

Likes movies, taken away, but thoughtfull


The West Memphis Three have a shot at a re-trail. Hopefully soon. They deposed one of the step fathers of the murdered boys. The lawyer asked him if he'd ever been deposed before and he replied, "Been where?" That's the kind of ignorance they're up against.


Well if it makes you feel better, I love Aussie accents, recognize the different dialects from Australia, and take your culture and movies very enjoyably serious.


Ill admit that I do get sick of hearing the thick accent and thinking "We're not THAT bad are we?" because I know for a fact I don't talk like that, nor do most of the people I know, but I dont get too up in arms about it, because we're still better sounding than Kiwis. =P I kid New Zealand, I kid.

In Frost/Nixon though, because it was the 70's, it doesn't bother me really. I feel like it fits, like they would talk that way at that point.



Some of us (Australians) have less thick accents than others. I can not stand hearing my recorded voice because mine is fairly thick. I'd love to have a more English accent..the slightly toffee kind.


What annoys me is that Australian (and a lot of British) actors are required to do an American accent for their parts in American films. I understand that. But when American actors come over here to make Australian films, they're not required to use an Australian accent.


Honestly, Brits and Aussies can do a far better American accent than Americans can do yours...there are many I thought were Americans when I heard them until I read up some biographies. On the flip, I've heard Americans try to fake a British dialect and I cringe.


Who in this film was supposed to have an Australian accent? There were only brief scenes in Australia when Frost was doing his show there, and even then, Frost did pretty much all of the talking.


There are as many Australian accents as there are American accents. Get over it.


No there weren't, there were none at all. Get over it.


Sorry if I offended you, but I was remembering seeing the Miss Fisher murder series which takes place in Australia, and I noticed (as did others) the different accents among the cast. People commented on this on the Miss Fisher IMDB site. I wasn't referring to the accents in the Frost/Nixon film, but the various accents of the Australian people, as well as the various accents of the people in the USA.
